Snapshots of Service-Learning

 In Administrator Resources, Climate, Districts, INSPIRE3, Leadership Development, Principal Programs, School Leader Paradigm


Sara Pepmeier, Independent Living Coordinator, along with Patricia Springfield, Teacher Aide, at Lakeview Jr. Sr. High School in Vincennes, IN, shared Learning to Give lesson “What It’s Not and What It Is” from the Character Education unit on Self-Discipline from the Learning To Give website with her students. The goal was to have the students become aware of what self-discipline looks like, sounds like, and feels like as they learned about proper manners for eating out and how to hold a professional conversation with superiors while on the job. The teachers purchased the books 50 Things Every Young Gentleman Should Know and 50 Things Every Young Lady Should Know to discuss with the students. Using vegetables from their own garden, the students planned a dinner and invited the Administration so they could display proper dining etiquette and engage the adults in meaningful conversation. Ms. Pepmeier stated that the Administration was pleased with the proper etiquette that the youth displayed during the dinner. These Lakeview Jr. Sr. High School students are now equipped with lifelong skills!

Do you or a colleague teach a similar lesson or teach a service learning lesson with your students that you would like to share with other educators? Are you an administrator who would love to share a service learning lesson you’ve seen in your building? We would love to share your lesson as a Snapshot of Service-Learning! Just email Tiffany Barrett today!

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