Principal Programs

Supporting Our School Leaders

Being an IASP member comes with its perks! As we strive to provide you with ongoing professional growth and advocacy opportunities, we offer you access to a number of resources to help you excel.

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Public education in this nation continues to undergo significant change. Continued collaboration remains critical as we strive to make education a top priority and create a culture that truly values education.

Coaching Program for Principals

IASP Coaching Program for School Leaders

As a school administrator, your experience grows with each new situation you encounter. While experience is invaluable, there are times when having the insight of another seasoned administrator can make all the difference. That’s where IASP’s coaching program comes in.

Leadership is a continuous journey of growth. To be the best leader for your school community, ongoing development is key. In addition to the rich leadership development resources IASP provides, our coaching program connects you with a highly trained and experienced coach for personalized guidance. This coach will work with you to refine your leadership skills, driving the success of your school.

Coaching Services

Our coaching program offers flexible options with 20, 40, or 60-hour packages, tailored to your needs:

  • Personalized One-on-One Sessions: Includes on-site visits, virtual meetings, phone conversations, texts, and emails.
  • Expert Advice and Support: Assistance with decision-making, strategic planning, goal setting, and action planning.
  • Diverse Coaching Techniques: Utilizing collaborative, instructional, and reflective methods to suit your unique leadership style.

Benefits for School Leaders (Protégés)

  • Confidential Support: Guidance from a successful, veteran school leader.
  • Enhanced Skills: Strengthen your leadership, reflection, communication, problem-solving, and time-management abilities.
  • Increased Confidence: Develop high-level thinking to further your instructional leadership.
  • Professional Growth: Foster your professional values and expand your learning network.
  • Leadership Readiness: Prepare for and pursue leadership opportunities at the district or state level.

Coaching Packages and Pricing

  • 20 Hours: $1,700 (Member) / $1,999 (Non-Member)
  • 40 Hours: $3,000 (Member) / $3,299 (Non-Member)
  • 60 Hours: $4,200 (Member) / $4,499 (Non-Member)

REQUEST A COACH by emailing Dr. Tiffany Barrett (, Cindy Long (, or Dr. Todd Bess (

  • Help you plan intentionally so you can focus on the important tasks that need to be completed
  • Review your administrative processes and offer suggestions for improvement
  • Assist you in finding balance in both your professional and personal life
  • Advise on managing relationships and handling communications via social media, newsletters, email, written correspondence or face-to-face
  • Offer support, advice and, more importantly, a listening ear
Want to learn more about the program, cost and commitment?

Contact Todd Bess at or 317-947-4116

Principal Service Corps

The Principals Service Corps (PSC) is retired school administrators dedicated to supporting principals and to promoting leadership development.

School Climate Review

School corporations can request a school or multiple school review. Principal Service Corp members conduct these reviews. A written report is sent to the contract agent, principal or superintendent.

Onsite school audit

Onsite school review is $600 minimum per school of up to 500 student enrollment.


Additional $100 per 100 student enrollment to a maximum of $1,000.

Online school audit

Online school review is a $400 minimum per school up to 500 student enrollment.


Additional $100 per 100 student enrollment to a maximum of $1,000.

Want a review?

Tiffany Barrett at or 317-891-4933

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