Academic Quiz Bowl Now Open to Junior Level

 In Academic Competitions, Quiz Bowl, Student Programs

IASP is expanding the Indiana Academic Quiz Bowl Tournament to include an online tournament for junior level competitors which will take place February 26, 2022.  The tournament will use the National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT) pyramidal format and is open to all DSP Members who have students in grades 6-8 (See the Coach Handbook for more information).  To enter a team, access the DSP Membership form on the Academic Quiz Bowl page and submit your information.  

Because the tournament will be online via Zoom, schools will not be required to purchase buzzer systems.  The tournament will use the online buzzer system for the tournament.  They will also not be required to travel, and the online format provides flexibility for competitors and coaches.  

For information on how to start a junior level Quiz Bowl team, click here.
To see junior level Quiz Bowl in action, watch a round from 2021’s NAQT Middle School National Tournament Finals by clicking here.


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