2022 Cheer Coach Conference Registration Form

  • By completing this form and clicking “submit”, you are registering your school to be a part of the 2022 Indiana Cheer Coach Conference and will be charged accordingly.
  • NOTE: Only 1 coach per school needs to complete this form. The link to join the meeting will be sent to the email address included on this form and can then be shared to other coaches.

              • Content Sharing Information

                Prior to the July 16th virtual conference, we will share a demonstration video from the keynote speaker. You will be able to view this video and submit questions to us prior to the virtual conference. We will ask those during the live Q&A session during the conference.

                  If you wish to pay by check, choose “PO / Check”, click “Submit” and you will receive an invoice at a later date.

                  If you wish to submit electronic payment information, you may do so on the next screen (PayPal).

                • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
                  • Please provide the HOME mailing address of the contact person listed at the top of this registration form.

                    • $0.00
                    • If you are paying by check, please make the check out to “Department of Student Programs” and mail it to 11025 E 25th St, Indianapolis, IN 46229.
                  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

                  Meet our Sponsors

                  On-Site Express by Graphic FX
                  Cheer Provider
                  Inter-State Studio
                  Cheer Provider
                  CheerSounds Music
                  Cheer Supporter

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