Academic Super Bowl Study Materials Order Form

"*" indicates required fields

By completing this form and clicking “submit”, you will receive the selected contest materials and will be charged accordingly.

NOTE: Only 1 coach per school needs to complete this form. Materials will be sent to the email address included on this form and can then be distributed to other coaches.
Contact Name (the primary contact for Academic Super Bowl)*

School Address*

Content Sharing Information

Academic Super Bowl materials will include video recordings from question writers, coach practice questions and much more for each subject area. Information will be shared on October 1st via email, and only to the coach’s email provided through this form. It is the responsibility of the coach listed on this form to share the information with other coaches from the school. Questions for the question writers can be submitted via the Google Form located in the LiveBinder of contest resources.
Academic Super Bowl Pre-Contest Materials Order*
If you wish to pay by check, click “Submit” and then you may exit out of the PayPal screen. You will receive an invoice at a later date. If you wish to submit electronic payment information, you may do so on the next screen (PayPal).
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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