Assistant Principals Conference

Assistant Principals Conference Registration Confirmation List

 Updated November 16, 2023 at 9:00 AM

Mr. Jonathan Adams Silver Creek Primary School
Mr. Troy Akers Warsaw Area Career Center
Ms. Jessica Aldrich Westfield Intermediate School
Ms. Whitney Alexander Madison S.T.E.A.M. Academy
Ms. Kelsey Alfrey Tipton Middle School
Ms. Brittany Allard Delphi Community Middle School
Ms. Ashley Anderson Three Creeks Elementary School
Ms. Lori Anderson Jackson Middle School
Ms. Kim Armstrong Garrett Middle School
Dr. Holly Arnold Newburgh Elementary School
Mr. John Ayars Tipton Middle School
Mr. Steve Baker Bluffton High School
Ms. Barbra Balensiefer Attica Jr./Sr. High School
Mr. Andrew Barrand Lakeland Intermediate School
Ms. Tiffany Barrett Indiana Association of School Principals
Mr. Jason Barth Ohio County (Rising Sun) Middle School
Mr. Jason Bass Shelbyville High School
Ms. Libby Baud Maple Glen Elementary School
Mr. Nicholas Beard Eastside Jr./Sr. High School
Mr. Timothy Beaumont Woodside Middle School
Ms. Kaci Becker White Lick Elementary School
Ms. Paula Bell Eastridge Elementary School
Ms. Keisha Bell Ben Davis Ninth Grade Center
Mr. Jay Bendes Highland Middle School
Mr. Tyler Benson Arlington Elementary School
Mr.  Christopher Berg NorthWood High School
Mr. George Berkesch Woodland Elementary School
Mr. Scott Berrier Knightstown Intermediate School
Dr. Todd Bess Indiana Association of School Principals
Mr. Jack Birmingham Valley Mills Elementary School
Mr. Gary Black Knightstown High School
Ms. Rhastina Blessing Greensburg Elementary School
Mr. Patrick Bloom Yorktown High School
Mr. Michael Boesch Clinton Prairie Elementary School
Mr. Johnathan Bolek Achieve Virtual Education Academy
Mr. Adam Bontreger Tri-West Middle School
Mr. David Borsits Hammond Central High School
Ms. Laura Bowman North Montgomery Middle School
Ms. Melony Boyd Chapel Glen Elementary School
Mr. Jeffrey Brooks MSD Boone Township
Mr. Tony Brooks North Newton Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Dante Brown Ben Davis High School
Mr. Ronald Brown John Glenn High School
Ms. Angela Brown Chapelwood Elementary School
Mr. Christopher Brown Jay County Jr. Sr. High School
Mr. Nathan Bruck Greenfield-Central High School
Mr. Craig Bruns Greenwood Community High School
Mr. Brian Bulmer Perry Meridian High School
Ms. Laura Burkhart Center Grove High School
Mr. Mark Butler Lebanon Middle School
Mr. Dan Butler Clarksville Middle School
Ms. Tiffany Buzan-Smith Carey Ridge Elementary School
Ms. Sonia Caldwell Eastside Elementary School
Mr. Devin Carter Van Buren Elementary School
Ms Carrie Carter Scottsburg Elementary School
Mr. Ivan Castillo Clay International Academy
Mr. Steven Caudill Wawasee Middle School
Mr. Brandon Cavanaugh Mary Beck Elementary School
Ms. Krista Chatham Southwestern Elementary School
Ms. Amy Clancy Walnut Grove Elementary School
Ms. Clara Clark
Mr. Sean Clark Erskine Elementary School
Ms. Sarah Clary Carlin Park Elementary School
Mr. Jeffrey Cleveland Greenfield Central Jr. High School
Mr. Chad Clunie North Harrison High School
Mr. Jared Coblentz Concord West Side Elementary School
Mr. Allen Cochran Chesterton High School
Ms. Nicole Colwell Bradie Shrum Elementary School
Mr. Stephen Combs University of Indianapolis
Mr. James Condon Plymouth High School
Ms. Maria Conklin Brownstown Central High School
Mr. Michael Conley Eastern Greene High School
Ms. Catrina Cooper Anderson Intermediate School
Ms. Leslie Cooprider Shakamak Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Ermina Coric Monroe Elementary School
Mr. Chris Covert Tzouanakis Intermediate School
Mr. Jeff Cox Scottsburg High School
Mr. Bryce Crane Vincennes Lincoln High School
Mr. Ben Craw Lapel Elementary School
Mr. Chad Crews Northview Elementary School
Mr. Aaron Cripe East Allen County Schools
Ms. Karla Cronk
Mr. Chandler Cross Shenandoah Administration Center
Mr. Patrick Crouch Greenfield Intermediate School
Ms. Megan Culbertson Summit Middle School
Ms. Alicia Cupp Greencastle Middle School
Mr. Brad Cutter Central Elementary School
Mr. Brice Darling Lawrenceburg High School
Ms. Hether Darnell Monon Trail Elementary School
Ms. Virginia Davis Avon Middle School North
Mr. Matt Davis Lincoln Middle/High School
Mr. Luke Dean Eastern High School
Mr. Brandon DeHart North Madison Elementary School
Ms. Francine Denecke William Henry Harrison High School
Mr. Michael Depta Crown Point High School
Mr. Alan  Dickerson Clifford Pierce Middle School
Mr. Matthew Dodson MSD Wayne Township Schools
Mr. Josh Dommer New Haven Jr./Sr. High School
Mr. Demetrius Dowler Brownsburg High School
Mr. J D Dubes Logansport High School
Ms. Rebekah Dugan Anderson High School
Ms. Jennifer Duncan West Noble Elementary School
Mr. Dennis Duncan
Ms. Kayci Dycus South Knox Elementary School
Ms. Jessica Earnest Harris Academy
Mr. Brett Eberly Columbia City High School
Mr. Corey Ebert Brownsburg High School
Ms. Sally Eggleston Darden Primary Center
Ms. Alicia Erwin Westlake Elementary School
Mr. Ethan Evans Elwood Jr/Sr High School
Mr. William Fama Promise Road Elementary School
Mr. David Fazzini Morton Elementary School
Ms. Elizabeth Flath Rushville Consolidated High School
Mr. Eric Foga South Decatur Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Aaron Freed Orleans Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Robb Freeze Beiger Elementary School
Mr. Robert Freije Maconaquah Elementary School
Ms. Elizabeth Fry Greensburg Jr. High School
Mr. Scott Frye Tri-West Hendricks Sr. High School
Mr. Brandon Frye Madison Consolidated High School
Ms. Sherry Fugate Austin Elementary School
Mrs. Katie Fulayter Monrovia Middle School
Mr. Mason Fulton Yorktown Elementary School
Mr. Adam Gaff Southport Middle School
Ms. Andrea Gale Fortville Elementary School
Mr. Jeff Galley Wabash High School
Ms. Ashley Gangloff Landis Elementary School
Ms. Lydia Gard Central Noble Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Taylor Garrison Harding Elementary School
Ms. Samantha Geary Lawrenceburg Primary School
Mr. Nicholas Giant New Palestine Elementary School
Ms. Joanne Gillespie Lakeland Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Corey Gilman Maxwell Intermediate School
Mr. Keith Gilpatrick North Putnam Middle School
Mr. Eric Gilpin Batchelor Middle School
Ms. Katie Glander Brown Elementary School
Mr. Matthew Goen Highland Middle School
Ms. Cecilia Goh Southwestern Elementary School
Ms. Kortney Golden Clinton Central Elementary School
Mr. Jeremy Gondol Daleville Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Andrew Graber Churubusco Elementary School
Mr. James Graham East Noble High School
Ms. Angela Grayson Beveridge Elementary School
Mr. Chad Grieser Bluffton-Harrison Middle School
Mr. Alex Griffin New Castle High School
Ms. Jennifer Grill Robert A. Taft Middle School
Mr. Sean Grimes Maplewood Elementary School
Mr. Evan Grossman David W. Dennis Intermediate School
Mr. Geoff Grubb Mayflower Mill Elementary School
Mr. Brett Guenther Churubusco Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Tami Haas Crawfordsville Middle School
Mr. Daniel Hadary Valparaiso High School
Mr. Robert Hadley
Mrs. Jaci Hadsell
Mr. Robert Haislip Mitchell High School
Mr. Gerald Hale Union Township Middle School
Mr. Kyle Hall Yorktown Middle School
Ms. Patricia Hall George Rogers Clark Middle School
Ms. Marilyn Hampton Annie Burns-Hicks Elementary School
Mr. Kyle Hanaway Robert A. Taft Middle School
Mr. Jeffrey Hansel Plainfield Community Middle School
Mr. Daniel Hanson Wes-Del Middle/High School
Ms. My Hardin Grassy Creek Elementary School
Mr. Jory Hardman Riley High School
Mr. Luke Harlow Clinton Prairie Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Amy Harpold Parke Heritage High School
Ms. Allison Harris North Grove Elementary School
Dr. Nancy Harrison Loogootee High School
Mr. Daniel Hartman Greendale Middle School
Ms. Sarah Havens Westfield Middle School
Mr. Damon Havlicek Connersville High School
Ms. Amy Hayden Columbia Elementary School
Ms. Jessica Heckman Reagan Elementary School
Mr. Jacob Hedrick Franklin County High School
Ms. Lindsay Helman Lincoln Elementary School
Dr. John Hendricks Carroll Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Sharon Henry Clinton Central Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Christy Herring Oak Trace Elementary School
Mr. Stacy Herrold Bluffton-Harrison Middle School
Ms. Lisa Herschberger Goshen Jr. High School
Mr. Beau Hill Bridgeport Elementary School
Mr. Brian Hill Carroll Middle School
Mrs. Sandra Hillman
Ms. Amber Hines Winchester Community High School
Mr. Mark Hinkey Northeastern Middle School
Ms. Lauren Holliday Deer Run Elementary School
Mr. Timothy Holmes Snacks Crossing Elementary School
Ms. Orleta Holmes Avon Intermediate School East
Ms. Candace Hons Washington Woods Elementary School
Ms. Jenny Hoss Frankton Elementary School
Ms. Tracie Hoston Riley High School
Mr. Brandon Hubbell Lincoln Elementary School
Mrs. Blakli Hukill Brownstown Elementary School
Ms. Kelly Huntzinger Lapel Middle School
Mr. Austin Inge Harris Academy
Ms. Penny Inskeep IPS/Butler Lab at Eliza Blaker 55
Ms. Ceara Jackson Danville North Elementary  School
Mr. Matthew Jackson Frankie Woods McCullough Academy
Mr. Andrew Jaggers
Ms. Christy Jannings Lapel Sr. High School
Ms. Amanda Jez Ernest R. Elliott Elementary School
Mr. Shawn Johnson Bremen Sr. High School
Ms. Kari Johnson Southwood Jr/Sr High School
Mrs. Alyse Johnson Center Grove Elementary School
Mr. Christopher Jones Central High School
Mr. Raymond Jones Southmont Sr. High School
Mr. Kevin Joseph Daleville Elementary School
Mr. Cory Julian Loogootee High School
Mr. Joshua Kersey Covington Community High School
Ms. Katherine Key Edgewood Intermediate School
Ms. Rachel Kiefer Clay City Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Darcy Kindelan John Adams High School
Ms. Debra King Anderson Elementary School
Ms. Timberly Kinnie Griffith Public Schools
Mr. BJ Kite Noblesville West Middle School
Mr. Michael Knocke Merrillville High School
Ms. Dayna Kolanowski Tippecanoe Valley High School
Ms. Sonja Kolkmeier Greensburg Community High School
Ms. Brianna Kompara Shelbyville High School
Mr. Justin Koomler Bunker Hill Elementary School
Ms. Ava Kosiba Rensselaer Central Middle School
Ms. Robin Kramer LaSalle Intermediate Academy
Mr. Christopher Kuhn MSD of Wabash County
Ms. Suzanne Kunkel Batesville Primary School
Ms. Nicole Laird Wilbur Wright Middle School
Mr. Jason Lake Maconaquah High School
Ms. Kamaria Lakes Crossroads Elementary School
Mr. Josh Land Jennings County High School
Ms. Jill Landers Hamilton Heights Middle School
Mr. Alan Landes Anderson High School
Ms. Jessica Lane Marquette Montessori Academy
Ms. Michele Lash Carroll Middle School
Ms. Melissa Lawson David W. Dennis Intermediate School
Ms. Laura Lee Avon Intermediate School West
Ms. Ranesha Lee Avon Middle School North
Mr. Wesley Lee Edison Middle School
Mr. Andrew Lewellen East Washington Middle School
Ms. Deborah Lewinksi Emmons Elementary School
Mr. Keith Lewis John Adams High School
Mr. Michael Lewis Western High School
Mr. Neil Linville Avon High School
Mrs. Stephanie Lockwood Justice Thurgood Marshall Intermediate School
Mr. Neil Losey Silver Creek High School
Mr. Zachary Love Mooresville High School
Mr. Corey Luczynski Saint Joseph High School
Mr. Paul Luebcke Frankfort High School
Mr. Pete Lundy Logansport Intermediate School
Mr. David Lunsford South Henry School Corporation
Mr. Thomas Lyday Tipton High School
Ms. Laci Lynton Perry Central Community Schools
Ms. Casey Martin New Prairie High School
Ms. Jennifer Matasovsky Franklin Central High School
Mr. Graham McAllister Adams Central Middle School
Mr. Kevin McBride Red Cedars Elementary School
Ms. Bridget McCormick Delphi Community Elementary School
Mr. James McCune Lebanon Middle School
Mrs. Gail McDaniel LaSalle Intermediate Academy
Mr. Brian McFee Batesville High School
Ms. Jennifer McGhee Washington High School
Ms. Kristie McMillan-Gore Merrillville High School
Ms. Rebecca McPherson
Mr. Timothy McRoberts Indiana Association of School Principals
Ms. Karen Mealy Blackford Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Nicholas Messer North Decatur Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Jennifer Meyer Washington Irving Elementary School
Ms. Kara Michael Brownsburg East Middle School
Mr. Scott Miller J.B. Stephens Elementary School
Mr. Greg Miller John W. Kendall Elementary School
Mr. Nicholas Mills South Central Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Harry Mimms Lawrence North High School
Mr. James Minogue Hershey Elementary School
Mr. Nicholas Mitchaner New Palestine High School
Ms. Jeanie Mitchell Penn High School
Ms. Robyn Moore Cold Spring School
Ms. Carol Moore-Bongfeldt Thompson Crossing Elementary School
Ms. Alyssa Moser Bluffton-Harrison Elementary School
Mr. Casey Moughler Butler Elementary School
Dr. Crystal Murff Thorpe Fishers Junior High
Mr. Matthew Mybeck Delaware Trail Elementary School
Ms. Jennifer Myers Rushville Elementary School
Dr.  Cassidy Nalley Jasper High School
Mr. Timothy Neal Benjamin Rush Middle School
Mr. Jeremy Neckers Selma Elementary School
Ms. Sabrina Nellis Rensselaer Central Middle School
Dr. Vanessa Nichols West Side Leadership Academy
Mr. Matt Nuckols Wes-Del Elementary School
Mr. Robert O’Hara LaSalle Elementary School
Mr. Rex Olds Shelbyville Middle School
Ms. Michelle Ondas School City of East Chicago
Ms. Kate Osan Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
Mrs. Christen Owens Mooresville High School
Mr. Kyle Owens Danville Community High School
Ms. Carrie Painter Burnett Creek Elementary School
Mr. Sam Patacsil Central Catholic Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Teresa Patrevito Oak Hill Elementary School
Mrs. Lori Pavell
Mr. Eric Peetz Batesville Intermediate School
Melissa Peiffer Indiana School For The Deaf
Dr. Daniel Peo Avon High School
Mrs. Canden Pepple Garrett Middle School
Ms. Edoarda Perez John Adams High School
Ms. Lauren Pickett Valparaiso High School
Mr. David Pine
Ms. Melanie Pociask Solon Robinson Elementary School
Mr. Randy Polston
Mr. Duane Potts Owen Valley Middle School
Ms. Nancy Price Allen Elementary School
Ms. Amanda Probert Indiana School For The Deaf
Mr. Jacob Rader South Decatur Elementary School
Mr. Nicholas Ragan Monroe Central Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Julie Ralston Orleans Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Bryan Ramirez Northview Middle School
Ms. Tamara Rassbach Jonas E. Salk Elementary School
Ms. Kristen Ray Carroll Elementary School
Ms. Tierra Redmond Annie Burns-Hicks Elementary School
Ms. Whitney Reed Klondike Elementary School
Mr. Christopher Renner Delaware Trail Elementary School
Mr. Ross Reynolds Wapahani High School
Mr. Collin Rigney Greensburg Community High School
Ms. Sarah Riordan Fishers High School
Ms. Lindsey Risner North White Elementary School
Mr. Tyler Roberts
Mr. William Roberts Bailly Middle School
Mr. Brandon Roberts North Grove Elementary School
Mr. Tyler Roell Greensburg Jr. High School
Mrs. Jamie Rosfeld East Central High School
Mr. Christopher Rossiano Hanover Central Middle School
Mr. Kevin Rounds South Putnam Middle & High School
Ms. Erin Roush Bluffton-Harrison Elementary School
Mrs. Amanda Ruble New Castle Middle School
Ms. Amy Rummel East Chicago Urban Enterprise Academy
Mr. Thomas Russell Eastern Middle School
Mr. Brent Sailor Cloverdale High School
Mr. Geoff Salmon William Henry Harrison High School
Mr. Neftali Sanchez Frank H. Hammond Elementary School
Ms. Rebecca Sanders Glen Park Academy for Excellence in Learning
Ms. Nicci Sargent Shelbyville Middle School
Mr. Joshua Schache East Noble High School
Ms. Erin Schantz Bluffton High School
Ms. Stephanie Schindler Clarksville Elementary School
Ms. Julie Schmidt-Goecker Lafayette Tecumseh Jr. High School
Mr. Randall Schoeff
Mrs. Amber Schroering Brownsburg East Middle School
Mr. Joshua Schultz Swanson Elementary School
Mr. Carl Scott West Side Leadership Academy
Ms. Heather Sevier Cowan Elementary School
Mr. Phil Shabi Fountain Central Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Dale Sharpe Brownsburg High School
Mr. Keith Sheppard Cascade Middle School
Mr. Jeremy Sherman North Decatur Elementary School
Ms. Brandy Shiflett Delphi Community High School
Ms. Melissa Shrontz Pioneer Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Amelia Siders Justice Thurgood Marshall Intermediate School
Hannah Simpson Indiana School For The Deaf
Mr. Charlie Sims East Elementary School
Mr. Matthew Sipkema North White Middle/High School
Mr. John Skomp South Putnam Middle & High School
Mr.` Nicholas Slater Benjamin Franklin Middle School
Mr. Michael Slys West Central High School
Mr. Andrew Smeathers Noblesville High School
Mr. Clayton Smith Northeastern High School
Ms. Ashley Smith Throop Elementary School
Ms. Torrie Smith South Creek Elementary School
Mr. Earl Smith III West Side Leadership Academy
Ms. Sheri Spiker Maconaquah Middle School
Ms. Jennifer Stacy Pleasant View Elementary School
Ms. Ashley Stahl Seymour Redding Elementary School
Ms. Elizabeth Statzer Franklin Central High School
Ms. Gina Stepusin Stout Field Elementary School
Ms. Sophia Stevens Cardinal Elementary School
Mr. Bryan Strain Northview High School
Mr. Adam Stroud Paoli Jr/Sr High School
Mr. Stephen Sullivan New Castle Middle School
Ms. Annette Tavernese Indiana School For The Deaf
Ms. Kimberly Taylor Milan High School
Ms. Whitney Tharp Dugger Union Community School Corp
Mr. Tyler Thiems Willow Lake Elementary School
Ms. Jacqueline Thurston Madison Jr. High School
Ms. Jennifer Tidd Southport Elementary School
Mr. James Tindall Triton Central Middle School
Mr. Sam Tipton J.E. Ober Elementary School
Mr. Phil Tolbert Jasper Middle School
Mr. Matthew Toothman South Knox Middle/High School
Mr. Victor Torres Wilbur Wright Middle School
Ms. Michelle Tracy Sullivan High School
Ms. Abigail Travis Lincoln Jr. High School
Ms. Victoria Tribby Brownsburg West Middle School
Mr. Justin Tucker Batesville Middle School
Mr. Scott Tucker Mooresville Con. School Corporation
Mr. Jeffrey Turmail Cloverdale Middle School
Mr. Cody Ungetheim Mount Vernon High School
Mr. Justin Uptgraft Bluffton-Harrison Middle School
Ms. Dana Urbanek Acton Elementary School
Ms. Rachel Vance Royerton Elementary School
Mr. David Vode Colonel John Wheeler Middle School
Mr. Ryan Vondrak Kahler Middle School
Ms. Kelly Wade Lake Street Elementary School
Ms. Taryn Walden Brownsburg West Middle School
Ms. Brooke Walden Plainfield Community Middle School
Ms. Crystal Walker Liberty Grove Schools
Mr. Bill Wallace Indian Creek High School
Mr. Ryan Wallick Jefferson Traditional School
Mr. Brett Wartman Merrillville Intermediate School
Ms. Linda Wash Clay High School
Mr. Justin Weber Garrett High School
Mr. Adam Welcher North Montgomery High School
Mr. Scott Wessel Riverview Elementary School
Ms. Courtney Wesson Granville Wells Elementary School
Ms. Lindsay Wey North Wayne Elementary School
Mr. Kyle Wheeler Hope Elementary School
Ms. Lori White Cascade High School
Mr. Donavan White Brownsburg East Middle School
Ms. Angie Wieneke Jackson Elementary School
Ms. Amanda Wiley Tri-Central Middle/Sr. High School
Mr. Stanford Wilkison Mt. Vernon High School
Mr. Brice Willey Sand Creek Intermediate School
Ms. Janelle Williams Bailly Middle School
Mr. William Wilmsen Kesling Intermediate School
Ms. Heidi Wilson Lewis Cass Elementary School
Mr. Corey Wilson Mississinewa High School
Mr. Michael Wingert Southport Middle School
Mr. Jaelyn Winkle Winchester Community High School
Ms. Kerri Winkler Ferdinand Elementary School
Mr. Damon Witherspoon Prairie Heights High School
Mr. Jake Wolfe Seeger Memorial Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Kristina Wood South Ripley Elementary School
Mr. Eric Woodke Southport High School
Mrs. Garrie Woods Mt. Comfort Elementary School
Mr. Trenton Worden Sanders School
Mr. Mike Worosz Griffith Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Marlisa Wright Jefferson Elementary School
Mrs. Shawn Wright-Browner J Everett Light Career Center
Ms. Heather Yentes Western Middle School
Mr. Larry Yoder
Mr. Paul Zakaria Warsaw Community High School
Mr. Phil Zellers Perry Central Jr/Sr High School
Ms. Michelle Zentz Riverside Intermediate School


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