Social & Emotional Learning Tips

 In Administrator Resources, Climate, Districts, Leadership Development, Principal Programs, Professional Development Opportunities

With Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) being on the forefront of the minds of educators everywhere, practical advice seems to be in high demand. In this article published on EducationDive, titled Building and Scaling Interventions to Support Every Student, author Aspen Florence, illustrates some simple steps we can take to help students.

After gaining buy-in, reviewing relevant data, and identifying student needs, you can use this simple menu of ideas to assist students more effectively.

  • 2×10 relationship building= connect with a student for 2 minutes a day for 10 days in a row (Don’t discuss school, but engage in conversation about anything else)
  • 3P’s (Preventative Problem-solving Plan)= Work with the student to identify the problem and work through it.
  • Goal Setting= More teacher driven than the 3P’s, but still based on the student’s input.
  • Check in, Check out= review goals and collect date with the student every day.

By using some simple strategies, you begin to improve the relationships, and ultimately the behavior, of students through Social & Emotional Learning. To learn more, come to our Social & Emotional Learning Showcase! It’s free to all IASP members and anyone they register and it’s presented by principal practitioners and experts in the field of Educational Neuroscience! You don’t want to miss this, so join us today!

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