Lead… Leader…Leadership

 In Assistant Principals Conference, Climate, Leadership Development, Principal Programs, Professional Development Opportunities

What do these words mean to you? What does it mean to truly ‘Lead” or be a “Leader?” FranklinCovey’s Education President, Sean Covey, illustrates the elements essential for schools to be successful through the “Leader in Me” program and a book that he co-authored titled “The 4 Disciplines of Execution.” Mr. Covey outlines the challenges schools face today and how to overcome those challenges by prioritizing goals.

Through examples and actionable resources to engage staff and improve practices within a school, Mr. Covey has helped countless leaders through the transformation process.

The “Leader In Me” program, is in over 4,000 schools and over 50 countries across the world and offers schools a principle-centered leadership approach.

The 4 Disciplines of Execution® are explained in the book in great detail and are as follows: Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important, Discipline 2: Act on the Lead Measures, Discipline 3: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard, and Discipline 4: Create a Cadence of Accountability. As quoted in the book, “The 4 Disciplines are powerful in part because they are easy to understand. But successful implementation takes significant effort over an extended period. It requires sustained commitment. If the goal you’re seeking isn’t one you just have to achieve, you might not make the sustained commitment necessary. The payoff, however, is that you will not only achieve this goal but also build the organizational muscle and capability to achieve the next goal and the next.” It’s a terrific resource to help streamline processes and get back to what is most important!

Join us at the Assistant Principals Conference as Sean Covey takes the stage as our Keynote presenter!

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