Purdue Quiz Bowl Indiana Kick-off Tournament

 In Academic Competitions, Quiz Bowl, Student Programs

Indiana Kickoff Tournament (10/7/23)

The Purdue University Quiz Bowl Team is excited to announce the Indiana Kickoff Tournament, a quiz bowl tournament for middle and high school teams in the state of Indiana. This tournament will be held in person on Purdue University’s West Lafayette campus on October 7th, 2023. The field is initially capped at 18 teams, but may be expanded given interest and staff availability.

This tournament will use NAQT’s IS-223A, a set meant to be challenging, but not overwhelming for players without much experience. Note that this is NOT the same question set IASP will use for their area championship, nor is it the one we plan on using for this year’s Purdue Boilermaker Buzzathon. Teams consist of four players (more can rotate in and out as substitutions, maximum of 6 players on one team). Games will consist of two 10-tossup halves, with 3-part bonuses. There will be 15-point powers for early answers and 5-point negs for incorrect answers before the end of a tossup. There are no bouncebacks on bonuses.

Registration will be through NAQT, found here, and requires a free account with NAQT. If you have any questions or need any assistance, email purduequizbowl@gmail.com, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. The finalized schedule will be sent out closer to the date, but a rough duration would be from 8:30am to sometime around 4pm, with included lunch break. Registration closes on October 5th.

This tournament is primarily aimed toward Indiana high schools. High schools outside of Indiana can register, but they will be waitlisted, and will not formally be accepted until registration is closed. Waitlisted schools will be admitted in order of registration, and based on field size.

Schools may submit more than one team to this tournament. If you wish to submit multiple teams, please designate each team by decreasing strength with a letter, starting with A. For example, if Carmel High School were to submit 3 teams, we would expect their strongest team to be named Carmel A, the second-strongest to be Carmel B, and the third-strongest to be Carmel C.

Chaperone Policy
Purdue University requires each school (not necessarily each team) to bring at least one responsible adult chaperone. This is usually a coach, but can also be a parent or other adult. In addition, we expect all teams to conduct themselves and reserve the right to remove players for disruptive behavior.

Payment must be made by cash, accepted the day of the tournament, or by a check made out to “Purdue University Quiz Bowl Team.” We will send an invoice with instructions to each team that registers. Please contact us if this system does not work for you.

Fees and Discounts
Registration: $80 per team
-$5 for each working buzzer set with at least 8 working buzzers.
-$5 per 100 miles traveled one-way. Distance decided via Google Maps.
-$10 per team-provided staffer able to read or scorekeep at least 9 rounds of gameplay at a rate of 45 minutes per round.
Minimum fee of $50 per team

If the Indiana Kickoff Tournament sounds of interest to you or your team, don’t hesitate to sign up. For any further questions, please reach out to us at purduequizbowl@gmail.com. Thank you for your interest, and happy buzzing!

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