New Opportunities for the 2021 Indiana Cheer Championship
Registration is now open for the 2021 Indiana Cheer Championship! The registration packet can be found on our website,, and the registration deadline is September 12, 2021. For a complete list of dates and deadlines, click here to view the timeline.
This year, we are excited to introduce 2 new opportunities for teams as part of the Indiana Cheer Championship!
Competing Team Feedback Opportunity
This year, we will be offering competing teams the opportunity to submit a video of their routine to us earlier in the fall for general feedback. The cost for this is $25 and the submission deadline will be September 25, 2021. The feedback will not include scoring ranges for difficulty or execution, but will instead provide you with information on where you might need to focus your attention within your routine before getting to our contests. This is not a pre-judging opportunity. Just as we say with videos submitted for NFHS Legal Review, feedback is based on the specific performance provided and does not directly translate to how you will be scored at our contest. This is due to performance differences (both design and execution) and also the comparison between teams at the contest vs general observation of a single team in the video submission.
We hope that you will find this new opportunity helpful as you prepare for local school contests as you make final adjustments ahead of the 2021 Indiana Cheer Championship!
Non-Competitive Opportunity
We will be creating an opportunity for teams that don’t already compete with us to submit a video for evaluation using our scoresheets. The cost for this is $50 and the submission deadline is November 28, 2021. This new opportunity provides feedback but does not rank them against other participating teams. Instead, we will provide feedback from our judging panel and also provide teams with a Gold/Silver/Bronze rating that is based a pre-determined scoring benchmark achieved both overall and within each caption. Each rating’s benchmark will be established based on the results from the Indiana Cheer Championship contests, so coaches will be able to translate their evaluation and rating to how they would have placed in the Indiana Cheer Championship. Our hope is that teams will use this as an opportunity to experience our contest in a less-stressful environment, learn and then become part of our contest! Being able to see that direct comparison to our competing teams will allow them to know what areas they need to focus on before joining the competitive ranks!
More information for both of these opportunities will be posted on our website soon!
We look forward to seeing you at the 2021 Indiana Cheer Championship! If you have questions, please email Chris Hammer at