Multiplying Good

 In Administrator Resources, Climate, Districts, Leadership Development

Multiplying Good, an organization founded in 1972 believes that individuals are transformed through service to others. They are known for their prestigious Jefferson Award and just launched the One in a Million Awards campaign to recognize acts of service big and small during these unprecedented times.

Through August 31, 2020, Multiplying Good is accepting nominations of individuals, companies, programs, and organizations that are giving back at every level.

The One in a Million Awards campaign seeks to celebrate the millions whose acts of bravery, generosity, and kindness are bringing our nation together in this time and, through recognition, inspire others to do the same. Multiplying Good believes that every act, in this time, is extraordinary. This campaign is designed for everyone to nominate anyone who inspires them.  Learn more about how it works HERE.

With your support, Shannon Frederick, Executive Director for Multiplying Good would like to help honor every teacher, administrator, support staff, outstanding students and parents that have stepped up to help during this time with a One in a Million Award.  Nominating takes just 5 minutes, the recognition lasts forever.

IASP appreciates the opportunity to share this with you as we also recognize the tremendous efforts of our Indiana educators and the dedication they showed to our students this spring.

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