Death by Meetings…

 In Assistant Principals Conference, Climate, Fall Professionals Conference, Leadership Development, Principal Programs, Professional Development Opportunities

Have you ever heard someone refer to the term “Death by Meetings?” It’s a reference that is all too familiar to many of us in these busy times. We’ve all heard it; an invitation to a well-intentioned meeting with thte promise to be brief, only to have it turn in to a monotony of commentary that lulls, even the most wide-eyed and bushy tailed attendee, into a state of intellectual slumber.

Whether we are the meeting organizer, or the meeting attendee, we need to know some preventative measures that will help our meetings glide along and produce better results. In this article published on Inc. This Morning, titled Want to Get the Most Out of Every Meeting, Ask This 5-Word Question Before You Leave, author Scott Mautz shares that deligating action steps to individuals and assigning a time by asking “Who’ll do what by when?” will change everything. Likewise, by ensuring that everyone in your meeting has a voice and feels comfortable, you will build a climate that is more productive, states Kathryn Heath and Brenda Wensil, in their article from the Harvard Business Review titled: To Build an Inclusive Culture, Start with Inclusive Meetings,

All in all, if you create a culture where all attendees feel comfortable speaking and providing feedback, you inform your attendees of the goal of the meeting, and you ensure that your meetings are productive by assigning responsibility and time frames for duties, your meetings will be engaging for everyone and much more productive in the long run.

Join us at the Assistant Principals Conference or the Fall Professionals Conference in November! We have numerous concurrent sessions on Academic Success, Social Emotional Learning, Leadership, and School Culture/Climate that will help with all things leadership! Register today!

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