Academic All-Stars

Indiana Academic All-Stars

The Indiana Association of School Principals’ Indiana Academic All-Stars program is open to all high schools accredited by the Indiana Department of Education. Each high school may nominate one senior for consideration as an Academic All-Star. Schools are directed to select nominees based on criteria such as number of advanced classes taken (AP, IB, ACP, and/or dual credit), Standardized Test Scores, Extracurricular activities, both academic and non-academic, Leadership and Community Service and Involvement.

Rising Stars of Indiana is a non-competitive recognition program, designed to honor high school juniors for their academic achievement. By allowing schools to identify outstanding scholars during their Junior year, we hope to increase their visibility and scholarship opportunities.  Each Indiana high school can recognize up to four individual students.

How to Nominate a Senior for Indiana Academic All-Stars

Each year, nomination materials will be sent to principals and past nominators.
Submission instructions and links to online forms will be included in that email message.



Rising Stars of Indiana
Nomination Information
was sent to Counselors &
Principals October 17, 2023.

Indiana Academic All-Star
Nomination Information
was sent to Counselors &
Principals January 2, 2024.


2024 Indiana Academic All-Stars,
Regional All-Stars and Nominees


Frequently Asked Questions

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Academic All-Stars News

Academic Coach
of the Year

Anyone who serves as an academic coach during the school year is eligible for this award, and can be nominated by their principal, another coach, coordinator or volunteer. One academic coach from each level of competition (elementary, middle/junior and senior) is recognized as the Indiana Academic Coach of the Year.

Join DSP

In order to participate in Department of Student Programs (DSP) sponsored academic competitions, cheer competitions, Martin Luther King Jr. Essay contest, and any other DSP programs, schools must maintain a current membership in DSP.

Meet our Sponsors


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