Culture Creation

 In Administrator Resources, Climate, Leadership Development, Principal of the Year, Principal Programs, Professional Development Opportunities

Guest Blog Post by Eric Schill, Principal of Pendleton Elementary Primary

Have you ever wondered what school culture best fits the needs of your community, and would embrace the vision you have for your leadership?  One of the best ways is to simply ask all your stakeholders under a survey.  These questions can be as simple as:

  • What is /was your best experience at school?
  • What do you love about our community?
  • What do you want for our students?
  • What can you do to help our culture?
  • What kind of building would you like to (teach in, volunteer in, bring resources to, learn in)?

From these types of questions you should be able to get a feel for what your community values in their educational buildings. From the answers you can build a model of procedures and expectations, coupled with experiences that everyone may buy into.  Leading a building comes with setting a positive culture.  At the end of the day, what do you want for your students and community? What are your plans to see it happen?

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