Get Connected with SEL and Service Learning!

 In Advocacy, Climate, INSPIRE3, Leadership Development, Professional Development Opportunities

Guest Blog Author: Joan Belschwender, Director, INSPIRE3 program (Formerly GenerationON Indiana)

Through the Service-Learning process (IPARDE- Investigation, Preparation, Action, Reflection, Demonstration, Evaluation) students have the opportunity to acquire, practice, and hone critical social-emotional skills. Skills practiced in context are more likely to be sustained.

Social Emotional Skills acquired and/or practiced through service-learning have the following benefits:

·        When students give their time, talent, or treasure, they can gain valuable soft skills in return. Service-learning not only cements what students are being in taught in schools, but also teaches them new abilities while enforcing SEL skills such as coping with demands, working in a group on a common goal, and problem solving.

·        Service-learning is a great way to impact pro-social skills, such as communicating, collaborating, and accepting assistance from others.

·        When students are engaged in service-learning they are able to see the impact they can have on others, which can impact everything from empathy, perspective taking, self-esteem — and can even protect against problem behaviors.

View our INSPIRE3 page on the IASP website under About: for service-learning information and resources.  

Contact Joan Belschwender for more information at or by phone at 317-891-9900 ext: 201

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