Digital Dynamite!

 In Administrator Resources, Climate, Districts, Leadership Development, Principal Programs, Professional Development Opportunities

During this time, we are all searching for that next best thing, the digital tool that will solve the current problems in our classrooms and schools. We are looking for that perfect attention-grabber, that most effective interest-generator, that one single program or resource that is the ultimate student-engager. The big question is what do we do now that we’ve found it? Figuring some of these programs and applications out can be as daunting as the search? Tiffany Copple and Nadine Gilkison have created a few dynamic resources with instructions to make it a little easier on us during this time of innovation. Remember, you don’t have to implement multitudes of new programs and ideas during this time of digital instruction. Whatever you chose to use, remember that best teaching practices are still best teaching practices. Just enjoy the process… and these exceptional resources!

COVID-19 Resource Page

Teaching in a digital environment when you are not 1:1

Guided Reading in a digital environment

Math eLearning

Everyday Math Lessons

How to do a screencast from an iPad

Elearning with Canvas LMS

Creativity Apps for Elementary Students

FlipGrid Tutorial


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