IASP Leadership Podcast Season 6: Episode 199
Join us for this episode of the IASP Leadership podcast. A weekly podcast production containing short, sweet, nuggets of Wednesday wisdom for our leadership growth. In this episode, , we have our Assistant Principal Liaison and Associate Principal at Chesterton High School, Mrs. Kristen Peterson, and guest, Justin Tucker, Assistant Principal at Batesville Middle School. Just is also the IASP 2024 INDIANA Assistant principal of the Year, recently named at the IASP Fall Conference! They both join us for the “through the Assistant Principal Lens” series. This series highlights the amazing articles in IASP’s monthly Indianagram e-magazine that focus on the Assistant Principal perspective. Mrs. Peterson, our AP Liaison, partners with leaders around the state to write these articles and today, we have co-author, Mr. Justin Tucker joining us to share about personalized learning and career paths through the Batesville Bulldog Ready Initiative. |