Join us!
If ever there was a time for collaboration, networking, and shared resources, this is it! Come join us at the Fall Professionals and Assistant Principals Conferences! We have been working hard to curate the very best for you and they are going to be spectacular!
This year, we will have none other than Jon Gordon, author of The Power of Positive Leadership, The No Complaining Rule, and The Energy Bus, as the Keynote speaker for the Fall Professional’s Conference and Joe Sanfelipppo, author of Hacking Leadership: 10 Ways Great Leaders Inspire Learning that Teachers, Students and Parents Love, Principal Professional Development: Leading Learning in the Digital Age, and the creator of the #1minwalk2work Leadership Challenge, as the Keynote at the Assistant Principals Conference. We are extremely excited to have them both join us and hope that you can too!
And don’t forget… if you haven’t already renewed your membership, you can do that easily here!
We look forward to seeing you soon!